Two days ago, while I was reading the Book of Proverbs chapter 4, the Lord impressed upon me the importance of a father's role in raising his children. It talks about a father's wise advice to his son. A father is to instruct his child in the ways of the Lord that he may gain wisdom.
Many here in the Philippines believe, though it still remains a point of contention, that we are a matriarchal society; mothers tend to influence the family more than the fathers. But the Bible is clear about a father's role as one who teaches and trains his child.
"Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord." Eph. 6:4 NLT
I began to pray for DS that as the head of the family, he may be encouraged to teach, guide and influence AS more about loving and fearing God and that he be faithful in modelling Christ-like attitude in our son.
That night, as we were about to sleep, DS was lying in bed with AS. All of a sudden, son asked dad, "Is heaven in the clouds?"
DS was surprised at the unexpected question but at the same time glad for AS's interest and curiosity. "It's not in the clouds; it's much higher than the clouds." DS replied.
Then came AS's series of follow-up questions.
AS: "Is it higher than the earth?"
DS: "Yes..."
AS: "Is it higher than the universe?"
DS: "Yes..."
AS: "So who can go there???
DS: "We can go there because we have already accepted Jesus in our lives as our Lord and Savior.."
AS: "How???"
DS: "Our spirit can go there but not our bodies. Our bodies will be left here on earth. Someday, when daddy becomes so old, he will die. When we die, that's the time we go there."
AS began to feel upset and his eyes well up with tears as he said: "I don't want you to die...I love you..." Who will take care of me when you and mommy are in heaven na??"
DS wanted to explain as truthfully as possible though also careful not to hurt AS's sensibilities. "Even though we are in heaven, we will always be with you in your heart." came his reply.
AS was silent for a long time. After quite a while, he suddenly said, "Daddy, I want to be the first one to go to heaven... or how about we both go to heaven together?"
DS, amused at AS's conclusion, said, " Only God knows what will happen to us son, whether who will go first. But whoever will go there first, we will wait for each other... Because we have accepted Jesus in our hearts, we are sure to go to heaven and see each other there.
AS: "How about the others who don't accept Jesus?"
DS: "That's the sad thing, they cannot enter heaven without Jesus in their hearts.
Sighing heavily, contented AS said, "Haaay, good thing I already accepted Jesus."
As parents, we are entrusted by God to care for our children. We have very important roles to play. These are not just providing for their physical and material needs but most importantly, for them to love God and to lead/train them up towards spiritual maturity.
During their conversation, I was at the other bed in the same room, hearing everything. I cried tears of joy because of how God timely answered my prayer for DS to be present at a time when AS needs his teaching and guidance.
aww.. that is a nice story :)