Tuesday, 31 May 2016

God of Wow

I found out too late that my class (grades 1-2) was supposed to pick a song to perform for the culminating activity of our church's vacation bible school (vbs) program, Follow the Clues.  All their favorite songs were already taken by the other levels.  Nevertheless I was expecting a little disappointment from them, but I was surprised when they excitedly chose (though not unanimously) the song "God of Wow".  Why this song? The actions to the song was difficult to learn.  It was already Friday, the last day of the 5-day vbs program.

As they started practicing (a few hours before their performance!! O_o), I felt goosebumps all over me as I was listening to the song.

The week before vbs,  DS and SC started getting sick.  Our househelper was set to go on vacation leave for the following week.  Workload was piling up one after the other.  I was beginning to feel anxious as I prepare for my lessons too.  And it didn't stop there.  The actual vbs week was most challenging for me,  because of schedule overload at home and office with key people out on leave. We were harriedly rushing from one place to another.

It was so tempting to grumble, to be discouraged, to feel embittered, to just want to throw in the towel.  It was so tempting to believe in the lies.

I immediately noticed these negative thoughts and feelings.  I turned to John 10:10

"The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy, I have come so that they might have life a have it to the full." 

It put me in proper perspective.  It was not God's idea to make me feel burdened, frustrated and even embittered towards another.  I chose to listen to His voice.

VBS week:  I had the privilege of being with my sons and nieces as I was bringing them to swim class in the morning, eating lunch together at home (or Mcdo drive-thru =P) before bringing them to vbs in the afternoon.  Afterwards, they would stay over in our house to play.  Our family of four temporarily became six.  I suddenly felt what it was like to have daughters. LOL.  I realized God's hand in this, allowing them to bond with each other and for me to minister to the children.  It was fun seeing them sing and dance the vbs songs, play and laugh together.

During class, I was privileged as well to be "mother" to eleven kids. Yes, I cannot escape the kids. When I lie down and when I wake, they are there... Haha.   It seemed like a daunting task.   Remember my initial anxiety?  What if I say the wrong things?  What if they ask hard questions? What if they get bored?  Etc, etc.  It was only when I began to humble myself and acknowledge that I cannot do it apart from God... that I experienced His peace.  All the preparation in the world wouldn't matter unless I surrender and let God take control of the things that worries me.  He is Sovereign after all.

In the five days that I was with the children, I was learning so much from them.  I saw how God uniquely made them and that He had special plans for each one.  There was the mischievous kid, the chatter-box, the competitive, the active, the smart, the slow-learner, the timid and shy (reminded me so much of myself when I was young 😁).  All of them so different yet equally loved by God.  In those five days, I fell in love with them too.

As I was telling something to the class, one of my students blurted out to me : "Can you be quiet because I'm trying to concentrate?"

I was taken aback for a moment,  but God supplied me with wisdom to respond swiftly.  I gently corrected her right then and there, addressing the whole class as well.  I asked her to speak politely when talking especially to elders like parents and teachers.  She accepted the correction gracefully.

At the end of the program, that same kid surprised me when she came up to me, hugged and kissed me and told me "I love you".  â€â˜ș

Two more kids, gave me a copy of their photobooth picture so that I could remember them daw.  How sweet..â˜ș

I was also privileged to have a face painting stint during the culminating program.  Kids with apprehensive looks lined up.  I was also apprehensive at first because it was my first time to do this. It should be done with some degree of speed to accommodate a number of kids in a short amount of time. But seeing their faces turned into grins when I showed the mirror was priceless.

Heartwarming. Amazing. Humbling.

Serving in vbs was tiring and challenging: mentally, physically, emotionally, but remains to be one of the most rewarding feeling ever.  I could never have felt this amazing experience had I chose to do things my own way.   It was amazing how God supplied all our needs, how He supernaturally moved and orchestrated everything.  Praise the Lord!  

In the end, all I can say is... WOW!!!

GOD of Wow
by Sovereign Grace Music

You have no birthday, You have always been 

You alone have no beginning and no middle and no end 
You’re always with me, You are everywhere 
In New Jersey or in Egypt, even outer space – You’re there 

Everything You are and do is unbelievable but true 

You’re the God of Wow! Amazing! How could this be? 

You’re the God of Whoa! You’re more than I could ever, ever dream 
The more I learn about You exclamation points abound 
To the God of Wow! 

You’re never needy, how could You be? 

You made everything on Earth and in the sky and in the sea 
You’re never lonely, the Trinity! 
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, yet You’re reaching out to me 
Inviting me to come to You–Inconceivable, but true! 

I can’t find the words that could be big enough, loud enough 
There could be no song that I could sing enough or shout enough 
When I want to praise Your name but don’t know how 

I just say Wow! Amazing! How could this be? 
And I say Whoa! You’re more than 
I could ever, ever dream 

Designer of the dinosaurs, Mapper of the ocean floor 
Of all the wows below, above, the best of all is Your great love 
You’re the God of Wow!