Monday, 13 October 2014

Princess Treatment

I woke up one Friday morning to an unusual abdominal pain.  I shrugged it off and went on with my day as the pain was tolerable for my standards.  It was mid-morning when I began to suspect something must be wrong as the pain was still persistent and I also felt all flushed with fever (uy, kinanta nya.. ^_^).

I then received a call from my son's school that he was not feeling well.  I had to drive back from where I was (Ortigas) and face the heavy traffic.  On the way home, I began praying for our health and for strength to drive.  Traffic was slow moving.  It took me about one hour to reach school and another hour going home.

"Whew".  So this is how taxi / jeepney drivers feel.

I gave a sigh of relief as we reached home.  I thanked God for His protection.  I immediately went straight to bed as I was too weak already.  My son was asleep so I asked our helper to bring him to his room.

I was feverish with 38.8C temperature accompanied with chills.

After a while, AS (who was feeling better already) went in my room.  I told him not to go near me as I have fever.  He was persistent that he wanted to be with me.  He lay on my bed but with a significant amount of distance apart from me.  He just wanted to be there.  Later, I allowed him to touch my forehead at the same time as his. He said I was "hotter than him".

I was wearing a blanket because I was feeling cold.  He went out the room and came back with two more blankets!  Then he did the sweetest.. He thoughtfully laid the blankets over my body.  He went out again and reappeared with a bowl of sliced apples (with our helper's help) and tiny white flowers (from the garden).  I feel so special!

AS:  "Mom I'll get you water." He went down and back again with my water bottle filled to the brim. I feel so loved!  He did all these without me telling him.

I expressed my gratitude, affirmed his kind actions and told him I love him.

Times like this I feel like a princess, what with three boys surrounding me in the family.  (But most of the time, I am a prince.  Just one-of-the-boys, when I get down and dirty, rough and rugged!) I am just thankful that AS got his sweet side through his dad's modelling of love.

Yes our children are watching us.  A huge factor of how they will turn out as adults someday are influenced by us parents. That is a great responsibility!  I too often find myself making mistakes and having misgivings in raising our children ( who doesn't?).  That is why I am so glad that the role we have as parents is not ours to play alone... we have God with us on this journey.

Jesus said: "A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher" (Luke 6:40)

Deuteronomy 4:9
"Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as you live.  Teach them to your children and to their children after them."  (Deuteronomy 4:9

Friday, 9 May 2014

Cebu Trip - Bojo River in Aloguinsan

Hitting two birds with one stone, our recent trip to Cebu was not only to attend my cousin-in-law's wedding but an opportunity for our family to have a vacation as well.  One of the highlights of our trip was the Bojo River Aloguinsan tour.

A shuttle came to pick us up at 6:30 am.  We were still able to have our hotel buffet breakfast at 6am.  It took us about two hours to reach the town of Aloguinsan from our hotel in Cebu City where Bojo river is located.   

Everyone was excited for the river cruise.  We had to hike through the trail surrounded by lush greenery to reach the reception/ dock.  It was a hot summer day and even with a toddler in tow, I didn't really mind, because walking through the path itself (which is actually almost the riverbank) is already a sight to behold.  There are many different kinds of plants all around, and you can also see the calm river lined with mangroves.  Nature lovers will surely enjoy this place.  At the end of the trail was the reception area / dock where we were welcomed by locals singing and dancing to Visayan songs.
 Refreshing coconuts as welcome drinks for the tired trekkers.

The river is lined with different kinds of mangroves where the fish would lay eggs.  Mangroves also provide the oxygen for the marine creatures.  Our tour guide, Jumilyn Manigos, a fisherman's daughter and president of the Bojo Aloguinsan Ecotourism Association (BAETAS), said that we were the only group booked for the tour that day.  They are really doing a good job in preserving the natural eco-system of the river by not allowing tourists to flock the area all at the same time.    
She gave us more information about the place, then a diver gave us instructions on snorkelling. At the end of the river is an inlet where the river meets the sea.  That is where snorkelling would begin.

                                                               We rode a hand paddled boat or a "baroto" so as not to disturb the waters and surroundings with noise.  (A big thumbs-up for me!)

 Another local guide, Bella, rode with us together with two bankeros.  She was remarkably knowledgeable about the whole thing; the river, it's history, plants, mangroves, marine creatures, etc, she's amazing!         
The bubbles in the water are oxygen released by the mangroves

Water here is brackish water- a mixture of fresh water and seawater

Finally we reach the breath-taking view of the Tañon Strait.  You cannot help but revel in God's majesty.  How wonderful His creation!  

“You are the Lord, you alone. You have made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them; and you preserve all of them; and the host of heaven worships you."        Nehemiah 9:11

 My water baby AS can't wait to jump!  It was his first time to snorkel.

But my SC seemed to think otherwise. =)

 So we (SC and I) just stayed in the boat while the rest went out farther to the sea to snorkel.  They were with a group of divers assisting them who came as part of the tour package so no need to worry.  I suggest to those who will try snorkelling to bring a waterproof camera.

 When we returned back to the reception area, everyone was famished.  A buffet lunch was waiting for us.  Because I had to give my kids a bath, I came in late for pictures.
Steamed rice, humba, grilled bangus, tinolang manok, ginataang puso ng saging, lakatan and pink lemonade
 After our hearty meal, we had to leave this beautiful place and go to our next destination - the Farm House.  This time SC was fast asleep in my arms so the only thing I enjoyed was the food.


I really enjoyed eating with one hand (lol) the pan bisaya and salbaro (coconut bread) dipped in hot chocolate while relaxing in the "farmhouse".

AS feeding the pigs

He caught a fish! 
It was truly a memorable and enjoyable experience for everyone.  The next time you're in Cebu, try  Aloguinsan's Bojo River Eco-cultural tour  and visit the Farmhouse too. =)

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Sibling Rivalry

Last night I had a rather serious conversation with my 6-yr old son AS.

Lately, I notice that AS tends to complain whenever I call him or ask him to do something.

I just reminded him beforehand that after watching a particular t.v. show he should then go to bed right after.  Reminders prepare him of what to expect rather than receiving an absolute command in "shock".  Nevertheless, I would still likely hear whines, excuses and whatnots from him.  I would then find myself lecturing him about complaining and being grateful.

While preparing his bedtime milk, I got the chance to ask him what he feels about me, his dad and his 1-yr old brother SC.  He said he doesn't like SC and that he is "sick" (the term he used) of him.  He also expressed that he feels I don't love him anymore or that I love SC more. He goes on to say that I am always taking care of SC..  He said he catches us doting on SC only and not him.. that I used to play with him before but not anymore.  That time, I was trying so hard in containing myself from interrupting. I wanted to defend myself.

He continued on saying that I spank him too hard.  He feels exasperated whenever I tell him to "do this, do that" (nag).  He also compared me with his dad; that DS takes him out to movies, brings him to work, while I, do not spend time with him daw.  SIGH!

I remember the line Vilma Santos said in her movie "ANAK":    “Bakit pag ang lalake ang nagbigay ng damit, pagkain sasabihin ng mga tao “Aba mabuti siyang ama” pero pag ang babae, kasama na pati pusot kaluluwa hindi pa rin sapat.”

With that, I would like to commend my husband for his intentional efforts in spending time with AS. Yay!

Going back, I asked him if he loves his brother.  He said no.  (his perception during that emotional state)
I reminded him that he was the one who wished and prayed to God for a baby brother.  (His frustration was that SC was too small to be his playmate)
I asked him, "So what are we going to do? Do you want to give him away?" (I realized I answered my own question very inappropriately, quite sarcastically.  My mistake. )
Too smart, he replied : "Will you really do what I will answer?
I was caught in my own trap.

I explained to him that what he is thinking about me not loving him anymore is not true.  I also apologized if he felt that way and explained that I am just one person and there are three of them who each needs attention.  I also thanked him for his openness and honesty in telling me all these things.

It is becoming quite a challenge to maintain peace between brothers with a five-year age gap.  AS is a very active boy, who is big with his movements.  He is an extrovert who loves meeting people and is not scared to be left off by himself.  SC on the other hand is rather observant, contented in tinkering with objects, attentive to details.  He is sensitive to people and environment.  So when AS would bear hug his brother, the other would cry in agitation, squirming his way out.  Both are frustrated.  By instinct (or by habit?) I would react by protecting the weaker sibling...  a recipe for jealousy!

They have different needs, different interests.  The challenge lies in how we as parents would embrace their differences and find balance.

Things I realized:
1.  AS (and even little SC) catches on what we do and not what we teach. Unknowingly or unconsciously, he probably hears us complain too.

2.  Change.  If I want to change somebody, I should start by changing myself.  This is one of the things I learned during our recent Holy Week Family Camp.  God is our hope for change; He can transform lives; just as He alone can wash away our sins, forgive us and make us new.  How can I do this?  Through prayer, and lots of it.

3.  Set one on one dates with my sons (and spouse) depending on their interests.  Quality time doesn't mean being in one room together yet doing things individually.  While they are still young and have different needs, this is something we can do for the meantime.  In this way, each of the boys will feel special and loved equally.  Of course, this does not mean we cannot do other things as a family.  

4. Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry. James 1:19  I should learn not to react quickly to every squabble.  Yes, being the mom-referee is not easy.

After all these, I must say that PRAYER is the key to keep our family from falling apart.

Before going to bed, I led him to the crib where SC was sleeping.  I asked him to look at his brother for a few minutes.  I asked him: "Do you love your brother?"

SC: "I love him!"

Friday, 7 February 2014

ME time

After several failed attempts to go to the salon for a very much needed hair treatment, it finally happened today.  I realized my last hair rebonding session was two years ago!  It was before I got pregnant with SC.  After that, I basically did all my infrequent nail cleaning myself, and tried to manage my "untamed" hair.

As a mother, I tend to prioritize my family's needs over my own thereby scrimping on things such as hair treatments.  Aside from the fact that I got my hands full, getting a mom's day off is hard to come by.

But I realize that having a "me" time is also very important if I want to keep my sanity.  I need to care for myself if I want to effectively care for my family.  I have yet to learn how to balance my time: time with kids, time with my spouse, time with friends, time alone for myself, time with God.

I am just glad that my husband is supportive of this.  During Mondays, I regularly meet with a group of girl friends for discipleship.  Sometimes, I get apprehensive leaving DS alone to fend for the kids.  But he will assure me and say: "Go ahead, don't mind us, this is YOUR time."   I'm thankful for this.

I also understand him when it is HIS time with his friends for a weekly game of basketball.

And so back to my salon experience.

I had my hair colored done last November 2013 courtesy of Animetric's World's giveaway.  My hair was already very long then!

Today's rebonding session:


During treatment, I got a text message from my employee regarding the store's collection for the day.  I replied by saying I'll inform her as I am not yet home.  She replied :  "Oo nga po ma'm, nagpapaganda daw po kayo."
I was surprised at her candor!  I immediately knew that her information came from my househelper!  I immediately brushed off any ill thoughts and tension by replying in jest saying: "Tama, nagpapaganda ako.  Ang gwapo kasi ng asawa ko, nakakahiya naman kung hindi ako maganda diba?"  =)  

In all honesty, I think I deserve this much needed parlor break, regardless of what others may say and think.  I realized my employee/househelper even had more hair treatments and manicure/ pedicure than me!  So instead of harboring ill feelings, I choose to be thankful that I have househelpers I can trust the kids and the house with. 

I'm satisfied.  

Monday, 20 January 2014

7-year Anniversary

( A late post)

In my last blog entry ( as in waaay back 4 months ago),we made a resolution to date at least once a week.  Well that never happened. Lol.  To say we were preoccupied with a lot of things is an understatement.

Since it is our 7-month anniversary, I was expecting something special from my husband.  That afternoon, he told me to be ready as we will be having dinner elsewhere. I was trying to conceal my excitement by joking that anywhere will do as long as I'm with him. (more cheese please)  He jokingly replied that he already made reservations at Jollibee. (more corn please)  I was surprised alright!

That evening, he brought me to 100 Revolving Restaurant.  It is the only revolving restaurant owned by Chef Jessie.  One can gently feel the slight movement as the restaurant rotates on its axis.  

We were ushered to our seats by the panoramic window overlooking the metropolis.  What a lovely sight for a lovely evening that awaits us.

While choosing from their wide range of menu, the courteous waiter offered us complimentary uhh...bread.  I really cannot pass for a food blogger as I cannot describe food. So I will not try.  Lol.

We stared of with salad (description from the menu)

HIS: Mesclun Greens with tropical fruits and crispy oyster mushroom with raspberry vinaigrette dressing
HERS: Seared tuna salad sprinkled with roasted garlic peanuts, and sesame seeds on a bed of lettuce with paremesan flakes, nori stripes and wasabi vinaigrette dressing

HERS: Clam and corn chowder soup

HIS: French onion Soup

HIS: Grilled Lamb chops with vegetable roulade
HERS: Chilean Sea bass with Pan-fried Gooseliver 

Aside from the delicious food, I was really happy that I am able to spend time alone with my husband.  Married couples should date every so often.  It makes us stay connected and more intimate with each other.   Couples who don't date also tend to talk more about the kids, work, other things, except EACH OTHER!  A listening ear and an interested sincere heart makes up for a good date.  

One time at home, I was feeling a little dejected as I told DS, "Even though we are always together, it seems I don't know you... you feel so distant."  There is no emotional connection.  I am glad DS came up with a topic for us to talk about that evening.  Are you ready? (drumroll please)  "What are the things you learned in our seven years of marriage?"  =) 

Knowing DS for 7 years, I discovered that he is really kuripot.  Five years of going steady and I didn't found that out?? Well, I learned to adapt quite well (didn't I, hon?)  As a wife, I should submit.  He knew I was going to object if I found out that he'll be taking me to a fancy restaurant.  So he kept it a secret from me until we arrived.  

He knew I love to eat. I like trying new dishes and savoring the flavor.  Because of that, he even ordered the best selling dishes on the menu for me!  (I really feel the love hon ) While he, on the other hand, cannot distinguish Burger A from Burger B.  As long as it's edible, he eats.  

So what DID we learn?  Seven years seem so long yet so fleeting. During those years, we've already been through a lot, both good and bad.  I realized how blessed we are to have each other.  Yes, there were surprises about our individual personalities that only surfaced after marriage, but that's what commitment is all about.  I appreciate DS for sticking it out with me during the most turbulent time (so far) of our married life, for being my encourager, for always seeing the best and bringing out the best in me.   

We realized that expectations of each other often lead to disappointments, but communicated needs and positive expectations can lead to fulfillment and us becoming better spouses. 

"Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain"  Psalm 127a

100 is located at 33rd floor MDC Bldg. C5 cor. Eastwood Drive Q.C.